Ep. 108: Alison Sher | Holy Wholeness: Awakening + Addiction

Alison Sher is a generational expert, an organizational consultant and the author of The Millennial's Guide to Changing the World. She is passionate about personal and political transformation and using spiritual principles to catalyze societal evolution.

Join Alison’s Transforming the Addictive Spirit Program starting July 25, 2020. This course will provide you with an intellectual framework and daily practices that with regular implementation have helped millions around the world alleviate the symptoms of addiction. This program is for devoted seekers who are willing to go within to find peace, instead of futilely searching to find it outside of themselves. Who are ready to move beyond cycles of victimization and start building a life worth living!

In this episode of Visionary Souls, we explored...

  • The process of her program is nothing short of the spiritual awakening in which the biggest goal is to get rid of the taboo around addiction

  • How addiction is a mandatory human experience

  • The dichotomy between control and escape: you want control but when you realize you can’t  because there’s too much uncontrollable stuff that happens on our planet, then we seek escape through consciousness altering activities and substances.

  • How humanity right now is going through a huge unlearning 

  • How we are at this point that people need to get off the fence and decide what world they want to live in

  • How we are comfort seeking being and how coming into consciousness is, at least at first, very painful and uncomfortable - most of us will choose comfort/familiarity until the pain of not changing becomes so profound that we start to be open to a different way

  • If you want to be loved, love; if you want to be understood, understand; if you want to be seen, see

  • How there are some people who cannot unearth the extent of the trauma that they are holding inside of their being and their psyche, so there is no treatment or program that works for them

And SOUL much more...come play!


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Additional Resources to support you in your Awakening Journey:

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Sydney Campos