Ep. 110: Brandilyn Tebo | Self-Sourcing + Shining Responsibly

Brandilyn Tebo is an acclaimed transformational coach, founder and host of The Shift Retreats, bestselling author and inspirational speaker. She specializes in inner child work, subconscious belief reprogramming, emotional alchemy and dream manifestation. She has traveled the world to teach empowering workshops in high schools, prisons, Fortune 500 companies and colleges. Today, she coaches clients on how to remove internal barriers to following their hearts, changing the world and being the fullest expression of themselves! She also hosts a wo-manifestion seminar called The Yes Event, transformational retreats called The Shift and she has an online training program for body image coaches and activists called Embodied Rebel.

In this episode of Visionary Souls, we explored...

  • How we shame ourselves when we’re experiencing someone else’s vibration and we’re not there 

  • How she no longer sources herself by needing to help other people in order to feel good about herself

  • How her inability to focus comes from the disparate girl within her that looked at all the pain that was happening in the world and felt she like can never relax because she needed to run around help everyone

  • How there’s nothing within her that’s not within you and that by owning her specialness, that process gives others permission to own their specialness

  • How as wayshowers and lightworkers we carry so much that to be in the 5th dimension which is wonderful and simultaneously we mourne for the parts of ourselves that are not there yet

And SOUL much more...come play!

Connect with Brandilyn:

Additional Resources to support you in your Awakening Journey:

Check out our last Visionary Souls Episode: Ep. 109 Jamie Lu | Attuning to Heaven on Earth

Listen to more episodes of Visionary Souls on all the channels, everywhere.

Sydney Campos