Ep. 127: Sarah Renee | You're Not Crazy, You're Intuitive

Sarah Renee has been given the gift from God to connect with the other side. She brings through messages from people's loved ones in the afterlife, as well as from the Angels and Guides so that others can experience a profound and deeply healing connection with Spirit. As the Founder and CEO of Sarah Renee Inc, Sarah not only offers private and group sessions, but she also provides one of a kind spiritual advisement and mentorship, teaches online classes, offers guided meditations, and continues to expand her operations and expertise. She is an Ordained Minister and the best selling author of The Blessings Book as well as a co-author of the best selling book: The Better Business Book Vol. 3.

In this episode of Visionary Souls, we explored...

  • How women have served as bridges of light during the time of Christ as well as during this present moment unfolding

  • How everyone has capacities to be psychic and conduct energy healing - in infinite modalities

  • How Sarah has developed boundaries with Spirit so that she's no longer scared especially when she's working on homicide investigations

  • How we can develop the ability to sense multiple dimensions at the same time

  • The correlation between addiction and spirituality and intuition

  • Learning how there’s a time for rituals but ultimately we are practicing simply being - receiving love is the ultimate act we can practice

  • How we’re all in this together, there are just different levels of awareness playing out that seem to create the illusion of separation

And SOUL much more...come play!

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Sydney Campos